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Emotional Therapy Certification
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I am excited to share with your website my exciting new discovery in the field of psychology and addiction and mental health treatment.

Emotional Therapy CertificationMy Emotional Core Therapy (ECT) approach is the simplest behavioral psychology approach to treating teen and adult addictions because my techniques are all rooted in modern psychology. The psychology field is evolving and getting better every day. What I have done with ECT is utilize the best psychology tools available to get at the root cause of addictions. I will note that my ECT approach is also the simplest approach available to treat depression, anxiety, anger, marital therapy, and most relationship stress. It is very important to treat the underlying causes of addiction so that the patient does not relapse. My ECT approach examines the underlying debilitating emotional stress that is the cause of why someone abuses substances in the first place.



ECT teaches both teens and adults how to truly love themselves and to take responsibility for all the relationships they enter into, including drugs and alcohol.

First and foremost my ECT approach teaches both teens and adults how to relax, meditate and self soothe themselves. This is a critical first step to being emotionally empowered. When you learn to meditate on an hourly and daily basis you are learning to protect and love yourself. The key to any form of meditation is to let your mind wander, daydream, and free float. Often times in this state the mind can reflect on key events in one’s life (good or bad events that need to be released) and then release these thoughts in a relaxed manner. This is called catharsis or cleansing of the soul. I teach people how to do this on a daily basis just like brushing your teeth. Meditation can be done in various ways; Sitting in a jacuzzi, yoga, jogging, painting, listening to music, writing, gardening, golfing. The key is to get your mind in a relaxed state. This varies from person to person.

In my ECT books I have a flow chart after each chapter. The ECT process requires eight steps of which two happen quite automatically. The real challenge of learning ECT is to master five or six basic steps. In my flow chart the meditation step is the eighth and final step. Once you have completed this step you are then ready to examine other relationship stresses. My book highlights cases of addiction, depression, anxiety as well as many other common stressful events in one’s life. This allows the reader to learn from others in a non-threatening manner.

The real problem in America as well as throughout the world is a lack of knowledge as to what causes addictions and mental health problems. Religions and schools are the most common tract to educating our young and old how to behave and live in the world. This includes at school, work, home and with friends. First and foremost, the US population, as well as the world needs to be more open about emotions, especially fear and grief. (Otherwise known as anxiety and depression) Most religions and cultures don’t properly address these debilitating feelings, nor the treatment to get rid of them. Why? Well, in the first place you need a good understanding of psychology. Most people ignore these feelings until they are overwhelming. My ECT approach teaches the reader to readily identify and release these feelings in a healthy manner. I use the analogy of rain and thunderstorms in my book. If it is raining, why wouldn’t you use an umbrella? If it is a thunderstorm, why would you not seek shelter? The same process can be asked with emotions. Fear and grief are a necessary part of life. Why not fully embrace them and learn from them rather than looking the other way and escaping them?

ECT examines how stress occurs. Stress comes from entering and leaving relationships with people places, or things. Emotional Core Therapy (ECT) is very successful because it simplifies the hundreds of positive and negative emotions down to four! These four are joy, grief, fear, and relief. Clients and folks who read my books feel empowered when they have more control over their minds. I often tell people, “If you master the mind, you will master the body!” When you go towards something you like, there is joy. When you leave something you like there is grief. When you go toward something you don’t like there is fear. When you leave a relationship you fear there is relief.

It is so critically important for anyone desiring to live a prosperous life to master these four emotions. Why? They are with us every day all our lives. You can’t deny them. You can’t ignore or suppress them for very long. Taking drugs or alcohol won’t change your relationship choices for you. So why not learn from them? Why not learn to honor those feelings? By doing so, you can begin to make healthy decisions in your life. My books demonstrate how these emotions evolve and help or hurt us on a daily basis. Both my books also have exercises at the end of each chapter that help the reader understand and become familiar with these four emotions.

​The next important part of my ECT approach is to teach the reader how to identify and process these four emotions on a daily basis. I cover close to 20 cases I have treated successfully of clients with addictions, depression, anxiety, anger and couples stress, etc. to show how easily this can be learned. ECT is a process that is learned. It can take three to four hours to read my books. Many clients read my books several times to make sure they truly learn this exciting new approach to mental health. Once you have read it, the next step is to try it out on a daily basis. One of the valuable benefits of ECT is you can use and transfer it to other relationships. ECT can be used to identify and process any relationship stress. It is the only psychology approach in existence in the world today that shows you a true path to inner peace and happiness. All other psychology approaches, religious teachings, and educational programs redirect the client or patient from their true emotions through faulty techniques.

I recently updated both my video and adult Emotional Core Therapy book. Both the video and adult book prove with certainty that ECT is the simplest and most effective psychology approach currently available worldwide to treat addictions and mental health issues. I am licensed to train (CEUs for Continuing Education License Renewal) my ECT approach by over a dozen state boards. My license allows me to train over a dozen mental health and medical professionals including psychologists, social workers, nurses and counselors. See my links below for my updated video, media links and CEU information.

Healthy living for teens and adults starts with taking responsibility for all your relationships. That is what being an adult in the world is all about. We all want joy and happiness in our lives. This comes from being in open and honest relationships and growing and learning from each relationship. Don’t be weakened by addictions when help is right around the corner.

Here is my Emotional Core Therapy video which was revised on May 16th, 2014. This video proves ECT is the simplest and most effective psychology approach available worldwide to treat most relationship stress including addictions, depression, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, marital therapy etc.


Dear friends, Emotional Core Therapy is currently the top rated book on Amazon under the category of “Emotions” and number three in the category of “mental health”! ECT is the simplest and most effective behavioral psychology approach to treat most relationship stress including addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, anger, marital problems and many other relationship stressors.

Now you can learn about this amazing new discovery in the field of psychology and receive Continuing Education Credits for license renewal as the Emotional Core Therapy approach has been approved for over a dozen mental health and medical professions including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Nurses and many other professions.

See below links for more information.

See online CEU availability here.


Listen to Bob Moylan discuss ECT on the Dr. Peter Breggin Radio Show. Dr. Breggin is a world renowned psychiatrist who has written 17 books, many best sellers, in the field of psychology. Go to www.breggin.com for more info.

See my recent press release on yahoo. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/psychotherapist-robert-moylan-lcpc-invented-123000038.htmL


Hear my radio interview on “Addicted to Addicts” Radio Show. http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2013/12/16/addicted-to-addicts-survival-101-emotional-core-therapy/

bobpicRobert A. Moylan has worked for over 30 years as a teacher, coach and counselor. He is the author of two books-Emotional Core Therapy and Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents. He delivers lectures on his Emotional Core Therapy techniques as well as bullying, substance abuse and career counseling. He currently works as a psychotherapist with offices in Naperville and Lisle, Illinois. You may e-mail Robert at bmoylan111@yahoo.com or call 630-788-1100.

Sincerely, Bob Moylan, LCPC
Bob’s Blog. http://www.robertmoylanlcpc.blogspot.com

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About the author : Ted Pinkard

Beyond his professional life, Ted is passionate about community service and actively participates in various local initiatives. He is an avid learner, always seeking to expand his knowledge through books, seminars, and hands-on experiences.

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